Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 19, 2010

God and Time

God and Time by Newsong...my song write now.  Although I am sure that it was meant for sadness from death...the sadness I feel is very real.  I have said goodbye to as many people as I could, my boss and coworkers, my best friend of 25 years, my sister, various other family, and a couple who I have grown to cherish as friends.  Very sad...lots of tears.  I am ready for that part to be over.  I am ready to begin the trip.  We will leave town around 8 am tomorrow morning and head for Lincoln, Nebraska.  I am excited to just get the adventure started.  God and Time...God and Time....these are the 2 things that will carry me through and heal me....God and Time.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dejVUZJuqIU


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