Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


OK, quick update....poutine (as asked by a friend) is crunchy fries with cheesecurds and then hot gravy.  Yummy.  OK, here goes...we have no internet and no cable.  We are in a town but rural enough that cable hasn't come to our house yet.  So we are getting satelllite TV next week and we are desperately searching for internet.  You don't realize how dependant you are until you don't have it.  So tonight we are at the library using theirs..so we will do this every couple of days or so to keep up to date. 

Our stuff came Monday and as expected the stuff that stayed on the truck was fine the stuff on the 2nd truck ...not so fine.  What is funny is most of the fragile stuff made it...including my elephants, trunks and all...but some of our furniture (nothing important) got trashed.  Oh well, I say it is God's way of helping me get rid of more stuff.  The unpackers came on Tuesday and that was like having a tornado go off in your house....not fun.  But now slowly we are getting things into shape.  I have the kitchen semi functional as of today and I have some groceries in the car right now. 

Tiana and I went and saw Twilight: Eclipse today at the local theatre and were pleasantly surprised at the size of the theater.  No lines or anything..yeah!  I think we are going to be brave and head into Ottawa tomorrow for Canada and see if we get to see the queen.  We will see.  More later.  Keep praying we have alot to do and a very short time to do it.

Oh, I got the Trailblazer back this afternoon..don't know what they did but it was free and it seems to work...so fingers crossed.

Love and miss you all....love the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making the extra effort to keep us abreast of what is going in the wild north. We really are so spoiled with the availability of everything here is the US, aren't we?

    So, did you see the Queen? Sorry you won't be here to celebrate the 4th, it should be a hot one.

    Send pictures of your town when you get the opportunity.

    Keep the positive attitude and just remember, you are not in this alone. :)
