Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well I guess that God decided I needed to be cleansed.  Last night over a couple hour period, I became very ill.  I don't know if it is food poisoning, some GI thing or something else but I have lost 4 pounds in a 12 hour period.  I am better this am but still not feeling anywhere near 100%.  I am very weak and can't keep anything down but life goes on and unfortunately we have alot to do before the packers come on Wednesday.  I am hoping that I make a quick recovery but the joint pain and weakness is really tough...not to mention the cough is worse and I can't get any nutrients in me.  Please pray that God will help me recover quickly and that I will have enough strength to do what needs to be done.  More later.

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