Well, who knew that not packing would be so exhausting. The packers finished yesterday and the truck is probably a little over half full. You don't realize how much "stuff" you have until you see boxes, boxes and more boxes. By the end of yesterday...I just wanted to get rid of all of it and start over. We head back to the house today to watch them finish packing and then get the rest of the trash out before the cleaners come in tomorrow. We got to the hotel yesterday night, it is nice to be in a place with no boxes. The dogs are doing OK, Lizzy seems fine but Molly is pretty stressed out, she just paces around the apartment.
I do have to say thanks to Craigs list. There was a bunch of stuff in our garage that the movers wouldn't take and some left over paint that needed to be disposed of and we we talking about how to get it to the hazardous waste place. Some friends had said they would take it so we started gathering it all together and then I thought...let's try Craigs list. So I put an ad for "Free stuff the movers won't take" and gave our address and within about an hour and a half it was all gone. SWEET!
Tiana is hanging in there...she is having a hard time saying goodbye to everyone but she is a trooper. She had a great overnight with her Big Sister but got pretty sunburned at the pool so I hope that it goes away quickly, she was pretty miserable last night. She has a friend coming to hang out at the hotel pool today...so hopefully she can relax a bit. It is hard for me to handle saying all of these good byes so I can only imagine how hard it is for her.
Well, time to go get some breakfast and get moving.
Praying that the last two days go well. I know how hard it is to say goodbye. Love you sis! Connie