Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Life as we know it

Well, Tiana has switched schools.  I think that it is going well.  A little difficult of course because she doesn't know as many people at St. Johns.  But I think she likes not being in the stressful situation that she was.  She does have a uniform.  For winter it is basically beige or black pants and then a white, green or black shirt.  She looks very cute and smart in the uniform.  She starts school even later now.  Tabitha starts at 8:00 and Tiana starts at 9.  Tabitha gets out at 2:10 and Tiana gets out at 3.  I am praying that Tiana will settle in and find some good friends and activities at this school.
We had a bit of a heatwave yesterday.  It got up to 10C (50) which is very warm for this time of year.  It was amazing to see how fast things melted.  The girls and I drove in the driveway and I look over and exclaimed "ground...look you can see the ground".  We laughed but it was the first time we had seen the ground under the snow in about 2 months.  By last night it was kind of ugly and wet and mushy everywhere.  I saw two motorcycles on the highway so I think everyone has a bit of spring fever.  This morning however there is a fresh coat of snow all over and it is snowing lightly right now.  About half an hour ago we had a blizzard for about 20 minutes.

This weekend is a long weekend...it is a statutory holiday called Family Day.  Neat huh?  The only problem is that it is a provincial holiday and Wil works in Quebec so he doesn't get Ontario holidays.  One of many differences between provinces.  It is something very intriguing to me.  Although there are differences between states they aren't drastic due to the Federal guidelines.  Not so in Canada.  All the provinces are VERY different from taxes to immunizations to holiday.

Whats coming up for us? 

Well we are anxiously waiting Wil's posting notice which should be cut around 1 March.  We are assuming at this point it will have him posted to BC around April 29 which means he will be leaving here to drive to BC around the 23rd of April.   Driving?  Yes, he has decided to drive for several reasons one of which is that it will give him access to his car when he is not out to sea.  In the meantime Wil is trying to tie up loose ends and get as much done as he can before he leaves.

We are excited to know that my mom will be coming to visit the end of May.  It will be her first visit so we are excited to show her Ottawa.  We are making a list of things we think she might want to do just so we can give her some options.  It will be spring in full bloom so it should be very pretty.  I am trying to figure out how to show her downtown Ottawa without driving down there.  A friend told me to look into a bus tour and that sounds like fun. 

We have a family reunion coming the beginning of July.  We just found out that Prince William and Kate will be here for Canada day so I am kind of bummed that we will not be here but I don't think I have the guts of steel that Wil has to drive downtown for Canada Day anyways.  We went last year and it was crazy.  So the reunion is in Ohio so I will have a long drive again this year but I think we are going to stop at Niagara Fall and Cedar Point on the way so that will break it up again.  Then Tiana will fly to Colorado Springs with my mom to spend a month.

I am hoping that I will fly back to the Springs the end of July to bring Tiana back one time so that she will be ready to fly by herself next year.  I won't be home long but it will be a wonderful visit if I can swing it.

I am still in the process of cleaning out cupboards and shelves.  I have made a huge dent but it actually looks like more of a mess now.  I will just keep plugging away.

How am I doing?  Well ok.  I went to the doctor the other day for my annual physical.  She thinks that my lower leg is probably just a typical crush injury.  The weight of the motorcycle probably damaged the leg and therefore when I stress it, the circulatory system doesn't work quite right and it can't push the fluids through like it should.  She is going to do an ultrasound to check to make sure there are no clots and such but it sounds like I will just have to deal with it.  She recommended some runners socks that may help so I will try to get them and see if it helps keep the swelling down which will keep the pain down.  She will also do thorough blood work so it will be interesting how that turns out.  I don't wish for anything to be wrong but I would like to have an explanation for the weight gain and such.  I am afraid that the answer will just be stress.  Hind sight is 20/20 but I think that I was in denial about the amount of stress I was under during the last several years and my body paid for the "strength/weakness" of my mind.  I am working on that. 

I was doing devotions the other day and it was about not worrying about your life.  God tells us not to worry.  I know that but then what the devotions said...if you are worrying you are disobeying God.  WOW, I hadn't thought about it that way.  I am a worrier, I am from a family of worriers but that really puts it in perspective.  So I have gotten really good at those odd prayers of thanksgiving so now I will add to it prayers to help me stop worrying about stuff that I have no control over.  That will be a huge task but I am a work in progress and I am glad that God hasn't given up on me even when I give up on myself.

That is all I can think of right now...more later...I love you all!
A cardinal in our cedars....so pretty....scared off by the blue jays before I could get a close up!

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