Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't you just hate hind sight?

I am writing this to ask for prayer for Tiana.  By the end of this week...Tiana will be switching schools.  I don't want to go into details (if you want them..email me) but the school that Tiana and Tabitha have been going to is just not working out for Tiana.  So she will be switching to St. Johns Catholic High School.  I am very proud of her because she realizes that this is the best choice for her but it is hard for her to leave her friends in the middle of the school year.  So I will have one Redhawk and one Spartan.  Yes I said Spartan.  If you know me..this is funny.  My dad was a Spartan at MSU and I was a Spartan in High School.  We are a family of Spartans or maybe we should just say we are a family of fighters.  No, Tabitha will not be switching at this time.  She seems to be doing well at the current school and we don't want to disrupt that until if and when it is necessary.  Tiana is a bag of mixed emotions right now.  She is excited to get to the new school and make friends but she is nervous about being the new girl again and sad about leaving some friends.  She does know some kids at the new school but I am praying for her to find a couple more really good friends.  She has one close friend that she is leaving at her current school and I am hoping they will continue to be good friends.  From what I understand this friend will be switching schools in the fall so that will be nice.  Please pray for a good circle of friends and an easy and successful switch.

So, as anyone who has moved knows, you make the best decisions possible for you and your family and then you look back and say...hmmm if I would have know that then I would have done it differently.  Well, that is what we are doing right now.  As all of you parents can relate, it is so hard to make a decision that you really think is best and then have it turn out to be not so good.  Then to watch how it affects your children can be so painful but the hope is that the resulting decision turns out really well. 

We watched the Superbowl on Sunday.  We made a bunch of munchies and one of Tiana's friends over and we sat down to watch the game and the commercials.  About 10 minutes into the 1st quarter, I made the comment to Wil..."where are all the cool new commercials?"  That is when I found out that the Canadian stations don't carry the cool US commercials.  We were watching it on Fox but the commercials were replaced with Canadian commercials.  We saw one new commercial.  So I guess 3 million dollars only gets you 30 seconds of US exposure.  Well, I guess the good thing is that I got the whole kitchen cleaned up on commercials so when the game was over, I went to bed.

That is all for now..there is much more but I am not in the mood to articulate it all.  Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Tiana I will pray for her transition. She is so gorgeous and sweet - I know she will find a great group of friends quickly. I remember when she was nervous about starting Prairie Hills many years ago!
