Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our visit to "The Largest Skating Rink in the World"

On our way out!
YAY!  We did it!
Well, we got to do something this week that I thought was very fun.  Ottawa is home to largest skating rink in the world.  Basically there is a canal through the city that the boats use to go from here to there and in the winter for about 2 months, the maintain it as a skating rink.  So we decided to head out and check it out.  So we geared up and headed out.  It was a pretty chilly day...I know when we headed out it was about -19 C and it wasn't getting much warmer.  There was 7.0 km open and we were going to try to go as far as we could.  Now remember...none of us are super skaters but we have had some practice so why not.  So we headed out.  It was a gorgeous day and we really didn't feel the cold much and it was amazing how fast the km passed buy.  We stopped at about 6 km and had some lunch and that was when we got cold...when we stopped.  We only had a bit more to go so we headed out.  Well, Tiana and I made it about 6.5 km and then we were just way to cold so we decided to head back.  Wil and Tabitha went on to the end.  Well the way back was much slower because the wind was coming at us and so it was much colder and may I say that we were a little tired.  But we did it!  We took our skates off and ended with a beavertail and decided we will have to go back again.  We went during the week so it was really quiet and nice, but there is a lot of stuff that happens on weekends so we want to go back during the weekend some time.  If you want more info...check out their website.   It really is fascinating how it came to be and how they maintain it.    http://www.canadascapital.gc.ca/bins/ncc_web_content_page.asp?cid=16297-16299-10080&bhcp=1&lang=1

Note the frozen mustache

The girls had finals this week and so they only had to go to school on the days they had tests so they have been out most of the week.  Today was the first day of second semester and then they are out tomorrow.  That is one reason we decided to go now..but I am also trying to cram some things in before Wil leaves.

What else.....I am sorting through all the cabinets and cupboards and shelves and bins and wow...that takes forever.  I thought I would be done by now but just going through my scrapbooking stuff took one whole day.  I feel like I am making a bigger mess though at this point so hopefully soon it will look like I am making progress. 

I am frantically searching my brain now..trying to figure out what I need Wil to do before he leaves.  Things pop up like...oh man..I haven't driven the snow blower yet...shoot...what if our server goes down.  Or thoughts like...I wonder if I can avoid driving in Ottawa for the entire time he is gone...lol.  Oh well, I have done the single parent thing so I will figure it out.  It is just a lot more intimidating without that circle of people that you know you can call if something happens that you can't handle (like a mouse crushed in the garage door) or things you mess up (like electrocuting yourself checking an outlet).  I know it will be fine but I have to run through it in my head...that is who I am.  As soon as we have a departure date, I will let you know and the countdown will begin.

How is Simba...poor thing is just struggling to be a normal cat.  He is still really gimpy and limps alot but seems to be having some days that are better than others.  I thought he was getting better but then yesterday..he had a bad day.  The vet still wants us to be patient which is hard.  He is such a wonderful cat and it is hard to watch him in pain.  He is so loving and loves to be petted but has a hard time getting comfortable so that makes it hard.  We will keep encouraging him and spoiling him.

You can pray for Tiana.  We got news this weekend that her dad was in a skiing accident in Colorado.  He was flown from Salida to Colorado Springs due to his injuries and was in the hospital for a couple days.  He has some fractured ribs and a broken clavicle and is recovering from a punctured lung.  He was going to go to his moms for a while but this will keep him out of work for awhile which is a hardship for anyone.  This is Tiana's first experience with having something happen so far away from her.  I think she is handling it fine but prayers would be appreciated.

We did get hit by the snow yesterday.  We probably got 5 inches or so.  It was very windy and the snow just blowed and blowed all day.  Tiana went out the front door this morning and the snow in the yard is up to her knees.  It is very pretty.  I have to say that what I have found is that the cold here isn't as hard as in Colorado because you get used to it.  I really think that the variety in Colorado is nice but it is harder to adjust to the cold.  Here when it is -19 all the time...when it is 0 you are sweating and taking off your coat.  Just a matter of perspective.

I think that is it for now.  Love you all.  I hope this finds you all safe, sound and warm!

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