Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 5, 2010

Reality Hits

Well, I am kind of in a funk today.  Anyone that has moved recently can relate, I am sure.  I have been unpacking for 1 week and I don't feel that I am making any progress.  Boxes, boxes everywhere.  It is so much more difficult because 3 of the rooms that I need to unpack in aren't even built.  I also looked at a calendar and Wil leaves 2 weeks from today.  I just don't know how it is all going to get done.  Oh well...keep on keepin on.

Well on July 1 we celebrated Canada Day...Canada's 4th of July.  We decided to do it right and we went to the Parliament Buildings and watched a concert with 350,000 other people.  What an experience.  It was a bit frustrating because 80% was in french which doesn't make any sense because less than 20% of Canadians speak french from what I am told but the capitol is on the border with Quebec so I guess it is all political here also.  It was fun...a bit intimidating when you saw all the people but an experience.  I have pics but I can't figure out how to post them...I will keep trying.  We didn't get to see the queen but we saw a lot of interesting people.

We ordered a fridge and we bought a lawn tractor.  Tiana did an awesome job and mowed our "lawn".  We have 2.1 acres but probably less than one is cleared.  We started to clear the rest but there are rocks and stuff that looks like it got dumped on the rest so we will have to figure out how to get that cleared.  The natural grass is as tall as I am so I would like to get it cut down.

Challenges???  Lots of mosquitos....LOTS of mosquitos...we are trying to figure out how to minimize them but man we get chewed up at night.  We did buy some "fly swatters" but they are battery operated and they zap the mosquitos and they work great.  You should see our eyes light up when the mosquitos go up in flames.  Heat...we are in a heat wave right now and are adjusting to no air conditioning.  Our window air conditioner won't work in our windows and so we have the fans going...trying to get the curtains up to help keep it cool.  Any suggestions on either...let me know.

We did light off a couple of fireworks yesterday for the 4th.  Couldn't do all of them because I didn't have anywhere to bury them..so we have some for next year.   I tried.  Its the thought that counts, right?

Well, Wil is heading to work so I better start unpacking again.  Talk to you soon.  Miss you all dearly.

1 comment:

  1. Did you contact Mike Holmes to finish up the basement? He will do it right the first time!

    Had a huge thunderstorm here in the Springs last night. A very loud clap of thunder woke us up at 12:35am. It shook the entire house. Today is cool with a slight breeze-PERFECT.

    Bug zappers are wonderful. And so is Calamine lotion.
