Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holy Heat Wave

Well we are in a heat wave...we are seeing record temps according to the news.  Yesterday it was something rediculous like 105 plus the humidity.  It is crazy as I sit here and my fingers are sweating off the keyboard.  We were hoping to wait on putting the AC in but Wil and I are going to break down and get it in next week.  It is very hard to be productive in the house but I got some curtains hung which helps it stay a bit cooler.

I got my picture of Garden of the Gods hung on a west wall.  It looks beautiful...I was going to take a picture but we moved the 60 inch TV in front of it for a bit so you can't see it as well.  I also got the cukoo clock hung so now it sounds more like home.

We went and picked up Tabitha from the airport yesterday so the family is reunited.  She has definately grown in one year!

Today we are going to go to the DMV and get our drivers licenses, hopefully and then go to OHIP and get the provincial insurance application in.  The girls want to walk around downtown so we will let them do that while we are doing admin stuff and then we are going to check out some stores for slip and slides or pools or something.

Tiana took a cold shower this morning and said it was wonderful so I am going to try that shortly.  They have the basement framed and wired and are starting to drywall today.  They are making progress but the humidity may slow it down a bit because the drywall mud won't dry quickly.  They will be delivering some crushed stone today or tomorrow so we can get it spread to start the hot tub pad...although I think it will be a cold tub with ice if we get it set up.

Things are going...we got half of the satellite installed yesterday...they won't do all the tvs at once and the second set is more expensive since we are now existing customers...how stupid is that!  Oh well, at least we can get news and stuff now.  Slowly, but surely we are progressing an inch at a time.


  1. That heat does NOT sound fun!

  2. By January you will be wishing the heat was back! Sounds as if all is going as well as can be expected and you are slowly acclimating to your new digs. Keep the positive outlook and enjoy the challenge of the change.

  3. Hang in there! Once you are unpacked, your home will be so decluttered, it will feel very peaceful.
    You need one of those neck ice packs that you used to pass out at work. It has been very hot all over the USA. Zoo animals are being given snacks in ice cube form.
    Miss you.
