Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 12, 2010

A night at the drive in!

Well it has been kind of a funky weekend.  It has been very frustrating and very overwhelming to think that Wil is going to be leaving in a week.  There is soooo much to be done..so my attitude has been awful.  Add to that two teens that are bored and won't move off the couch and seem to think that I will clean up after them..and momma hasn't been happy.  So I sat down on Saturday and picked a church to try.  We all got up, got dressed, headed to the chuch and couldn't find it.  AAHHH!!!  Very frustrating.  So we stopped at the weekly flea market and I could have dug around there awhile but we kind of skimmed it and I found 2 ashanti stools.  WOW.  For those of you non Africans, ashanti stools are very symbolic to the people of Ghana and we always had one in our home.  They were a bit pricy but I think I am going to go back and get one of them. 

After that, I decided to take some time and go to the local green house.  Met a nice older lady who showed me all of the cool colorful things you can grow in a humid climate and all I could think was..this would be a perfect job for my mom.  So I picked out a tree and some bushes.  A red maple, to contrast with our green cedars.  2 lilac bushes including one that reblooms in the fall.  A hydrangea and something else I can't remember right now.  Oh also 2 sunpatiens for immediate color gratification.  So I am heading out to plant.  We also have a truckload of crushed stone coming that we will spread for the hot tub and patio stones to go on top of the crushed stone..then the hot tub...yeah!

On one of our exploring tours we found a little drive in so last night we went to the drive in.  Neither girl had ever been so it was an experience.  We saw Despicable Me...that was funny and we watched most of Robin Hood but at 1am we were all pretty much asleep so we went home.  We will catch the rest on DVD. 

Well I need to get out and water and dig holes before it gets too hot so I will chat more later.  I miss you all dearly!


  1. An "old-fashioned" drive in movie theater. What fun! I remember those from days gone by.
    Sounds like you are really getting to know the area: beaches, flea markets, green houses, movie theaters, etc...(except for a church :) LOL)

    I am sure that things are a little stressful right now, with trying to take care of everything before Wil leaves. It made me think of the following quote:
    I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

    Hang in there! You are in my prayers.

  2. I am so jealous, your new town sounds so perfect and laid back, the way life was meant to be lived, not the rush we Americans seem to live! I know life isn't perfect right now, but try to enjoy the challenges and just remember, you will have plenty of time to get organized once Wil leaves. Also, think of his reaction when he returns and you will have handled it all and made your new house into a home!

    I know you are a strong person and can handle this, it just may not be the way you wanted, but then what's new about that? Take care, wish you were here.
