Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Inspiration courtesy of Martin Luther King

Well, Monday was MLK day for the U.S. but it is not a recognized holiday in Canada.  I watched an Oprah show and she put up several of his quotes that really moved me and got me thinking.  The first one was:

We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
This has become very significant to me during this move.  I believe when this was stated, it probably was used in the content of racism and the people that did nothing when wrong was being done to blacks.  But for me it has been true as I have found out who my true friends are.  When you move, everyone says that they will keep in touch but usually most fall by the wayside.  I was hoping that in this day and age of technology that this wouldn't happen but in my mind, I had made some assumptions as to who would keep in touch and who wouldn't.  The surprise has been that although some of my assumptions were correct, some were very wrong.  I have been more than pleasantly surprised by the people who have stepped up and been so supportive and encouraging and yes bitterly disappointed by the ones who have been silent.  Although I know the power of friendship, I have really learned that friendship is not contingent on proximity but desire and effort.  Thank you to all of my friends who have not been silent, I can't express how much it has meant to me.  I hope that I can pass this gift on to others.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

I am not sure why this affected me but it did.  There is no injustice in my life except maybe 2 teen girls that hate me periodically.  LOL.  Anyways, it was just a good reminder to me that little things matter.  I have always been one to look out for the underdog.  I have stepped in to places that probably are none of my business, even stopping fights on playgrounds that have nothing to do with my kids.  I am the one that has stray dogs in my car on a regular basis because I don't want to see them hurt.  The desire of my heart is to help on a grander scale.  I would love to be a missionary of some sort but have not found the right opportunity so in the mean time I do what I can do.  If we all did that then the world would be a better place and YES, I really believe that.

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
This is something I actually saw before we moved and it became a mantra before we left.  I have been using it in alot of circumstances.  God hasn't shown me the full staircase but I am still taking the steps..maybe not always as cheerfully as I should but I am taking the steps.  I have to admit, and escalator would be nice occasionally.

To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
I found this one as I was looking the others up and what can I say.  It has become more and more important to me this last year.  If that is all I get from this move..that is enough.  I always knew prayer was powerful, never a doubt but what I didn't know is that there are different levels of understanding of that principle and I have a more personal understanding of that now.  I always prayed for others but very rarely prayed for myself.  I am doing alot more personal praying for me....working on me...or rather letting God work on and in me.

There is alot of pain in this world and I feel it.  Now, you may say, yes Brenda, there is alot of pain and I feel it to.  My question is do you really feel it?  I have always felt a little different because when I watch the news, I feel the pain, I feel the despair.  I don't just hear it or understand it, I feel it.  Let me break it down in something most of you can understand.  Joe Theismann and Ed McCaffrey are two football players that I watched break their legs during a game.  Both breaks were pretty bad although Theismann's was the worse.  I am sure if you watched either of these, you said "OW" and grimaced.  We all did.  But I felt it.  No not in my leg and not to the extent they did but I have a physical pain in the depths of my body with things like that.  No, not nausea, if you know me I love blood and guts...the gorier the injury the more fascinating to me.  On one condition, I can't watch it happen..then it hurts!  I see it happen once and then I don't watch it again, because it hurts.  I feel peoples pain when they are sad.  I cry at the silliest things according to my family but that is because I feel it.  I love this about me but it makes me want to fix things that other people just assume are out of there control.  Why am I telling you this..I don't know...it felt right to share and it fits with my last quote.  The time is always right to do what is right.

Now to a lighter but colder note.  We are in the middle of a "cold snap".  It has been sitting around -15C which is right around 5F.  But it has been as low as -20C (-4F) even -30C (-22F).  OK, now I know I am getting tougher but dealing with it on a one day basis is easy after about 5 days...you are just plain cold!  Brrrrrrr.  At least it is pretty.  We have about 8 inches of snow on the ground and it just stays white and pretty and pristine.  It snows regularly but doesn't always accumulate.  It seems to snow very slowly here most days. The snowflakes come down very slowly almost slow motion, it is very beautiful. 

Tiana and I went to visit the local Catholic school and it was very nice.  It has a better scholastic rating than her current school and I hope it will be a better fit for her.  They do have mass regularly but the kids are not required to participate only be respectful.  They do have uniforms but Tiana is kind of looking forward to not having to pick out clothes each morning.  Please pray for us as we make the decision as to which school both girls will be going to next year.

The doctor I work for is gone on holiday (vacation) the next couple weeks so I am working on getting some things reorganized.  I am planning on going through each cupboard and closet and shelf and seeing what is on/in it and reorganizing.  You know how it is when you shove stuff places to get it put away...now is the time to make sure I know where everything is and see if it is in the best spot.  Then it is on to spring.  My mother will be visiting in April/ May sometime and then we have a family reunion in July in Ohio.  Tiana will spend most of the summer in the states and Tabitha will spend most of the summer with her mom.  I will make a trip to the states to bring Tiana back and that is all I know right now.  There is Easter break, March Break (Springs break) and Victoria Day (the weekend before Memorial Day).  Those are the holidays coming up.  Oh and there is a family day...yest the province gives everyone a day off to spend with their family...cool idea!

I have rambled enough.  I hope to take some pics of the house in the snow and will post later.  My love to all.

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