Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 1, 2010


Well it has been raining here alot.  I mean like ridiculous amounts of rain.  So much that our flags got so weighed down that it broke our flag brackets.  So I have a couple perennials in pots that I wanted to get in the ground and we are getting so close to first freeze.  So today was partly cloudy and so I decided today was the day.  We have an area of the yard that we have set aside for a flower/rock garden but it is full of rocks so it can't be rototilled and so it is a slow manual process.  (I think God is teaching me patience again)  But Wil got me one corner of it dug up and we sifted it and cleaned it up so I had just enough room for my pansies and my mum.  The mum actually taught me a lesson.  I was lounging one day in the morning, in my sweats and shirt and looking pretty ragged when the doorbell rang....I went to the door and it was a lady from our neighborhood.  She is the oma (grandma) of the little girl that Tiana is babysitting.  She apologized for not getting over here sooner and gave me this beautiful mum.  We talked and her husband has Alzheimer's and she is definitely a Christian.  Lovely lady.  Lesson??  Get up and get dressed and be prepared for visitors.  LOL.  So if you look at the picture below you will see a colorful stone in the lower left corner.  It is a memory stone.  My family made it for me at my going away party.  Everyone put a stone in as they told a memory of me, Tiana, Tabitha or Wil.  It was very sweet and lots of tears and there is even a little fingerprint from where my little grand nephew poked his finger into the cement.  I am not sure it will stay right there but it will be an important part of my flower garden as I create it.

Now my newest news.  I have a new job.  Let me back up.  So as soon as I got my Social Insurance number, I half heartedly started looking for a job.  Not that I wanted to work but I felt I needed something to get me out of the house a couple days a week.  So half heartedly, I would look through the paper.  Well I sent a couple resumes in...not hoping for anything.  Smiths Falls supposedly has a high unemployment rate.  Well then I fell into the job at the shelter and was perfectly content.  I was a little worried about doing the job in the winter but figured I would do what I had to do until it was obvious I couldn't.  I mean you can power through anything a couple days a week.  Well last week I get a call about one of my resumes.  It is from a small doctors office in Perth which is about 5 miles away.  The doctor is a family practitioner and he has 2 nurses both of which have been with him 30 years.  His wife is one of the nurses and she is retiring so that is who they were replacing.  We did a phone interview and she asked me questions and I asked her some but when she asked me if the starting rate of 20-25 an hour was acceptable, I think I almost fell off my chair.  So I went for an interview on Tuesday and I know there were at least 2 other candidates and for once in my life I was not confident.  New country, different health system...I don't know...the devil has definitely been attacking me.  The interview went well and it seemed like a neat place but I was not going to get my hopes up.  The next day Anne (the doctors wife) called me and said they were really happy with the way the interview went and they needed my references and then they asked when I could start.  Wow, that was hard, I have a close friend and my sister coming in over the next 3 weeks and I didn't want to work while they were here so I told them I would start on the 20th, they were a little bummed which made me feel bad but I told them I would look at the calendar and see if I could squeeze them in.  The problem is I still have the job at the shelter.  So I dropped my references off with a list of 3 days I could work in between my other job and visitors.  Then I started thinking, do I want to work at a real job.  The shelter is a job but if I guess I kind of considered it a transitional, what the heck may as well, job.  This was a real job, like with lots of responsibilities and such.  How would it affect the girls next year when Wil goes to sea...oh the doubts went on and on.  Then after talking to the family, I did some thinking in the hot tub in the rain (that works really well by the way) and decided and told God, if they offer it to me I will take it and if they don't then it wasn't meant to be and I became very peaceful.  I also felt that not taking a job, this close to a small town with the good pay and part time was probably SUPER SELFISH and maybe even irresponsible.  So then the call came today, she didn't even ask if I wanted the job.  She told me my references turned out very well...thanks Jean, Mike and Tom.  She just asked me if I really wanted to work on one of my added days, I said sure and she said great well then we will see you then.  Cool!  So now the sad duty of resigning at the shelter although I am going to try to keep volunteering for them as I can.  I really like that place and will miss it but I think this is a better long term option.

That is the update for today.  I need to go buy mulch and an Ontario gardening book and some scrub pants that fit my expanded waistline.

My love to all and PTL!!!

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