Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hidden treasures

Well, we have been clearing our land.  When we got here only about 1 of the 2.1 acres was cleared.  The rest had weed that were about 5 foot tall.  Well we bought the lawn tractor but as we looked at it and walked it we found huge granite rocks and other obstacles so we realized we were going to have to clear it with a weed eater and see what is underneath and then go from there.  Well it is a ton of work.  We have been working on it and working on it.  Wil is borrowing an industrial strength whippersnipper with a steel blade and then he clears and then I come behind either on the push mower or the lawn tractor.  Well, the owner had said he had left a plow but we didn't expect what we found.  Isn't it beautiful...we are in the process of trying to identify it.  There is no name on it so it is a bit tricky.  I had already been planning to use some of the rocks we had found to make a circular garden area for bulbs and stuff but now I am going to make it more oval and larger to incorporate my new ornamental lawn piece.  Besides the plow, we have found lots of rocks, dead trees, bales of hay, a busted up chainsaw and some strips of metal...it is a variable treasure hunt.

Well, Tiana made the paper.  Here is the link if you want to see the article and her picture.  http://www.emcsmithsfalls.ca/20100812/events/Club+for+Youth+invite+public+to+Celebrate+Youth+Day+-+tonight.  She was pretty proud, as was I.

Not much else at this point.  I am struggling but hanging in.  I enjoy the slower lifestyle, it is hard not having any friends to share it with.  Until next time, I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. What a great find. I am sure that you will be able to incorporate into a fantastic garden. I wish I had a couple of milk cans or tractor seats from my Grandfather's old farm. There was fresh snow on top of Pike's Peak on Monday; and now it is back to the upper 80's for the weekend.
