Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

Long time, no talk (mainly due to illness)

Wow, what a month!  The last blog I wrote I was about 1 week into an illness.  A little over a week after we got home I started coughing and hacking and just feeling lousy.  Tiana was also feeling lousy and Tabitha was having a hard time with her asthma.  Well, Tiana ended up passing out one night and we ended up in the ER with double ear infection and sinuses.  Meanwhile, I am doping myself up on NyQuil and many other meds so that I can sing in our Christmas cantata.  I did.  Then I ended up in the ER because of sinuses and fever but that ER doc was an idiot and wouldn't give me antibiotics.  So I battled on but the day be fore New Years Eve I spike a super high temp and started having problems breathing.  I almost had Tiana drive me to the hospital (she has her license but didn't have much experience).  I drove myself and as I sat in the ER waiting for the doctor, I had to pull my mask off my face by a couple inches because my breath was so hot I felt like I was going to melt my face.  As I hacked and coughed the doctor came in and said "oh you poor thing, you are really sick".  At that point I knew I was going to get help.  So I got put on antibiotics also.  So I tried to make New Years Eve fun but I was spiking a fever and was very ill so it wasn't very fun.  We watched movies and Tiana would bring me heat or cool packs depending on the fever.  We did stay up until midnight but that's it.

Now let me back up a minute, you may be asking why ER?  Well in the are where we live, if your doctor is out of town, that's that.  There is no on call doc, no other place to go.  The closest walk in clinic is 45 minutes away so you go to emerg.  This is against everything that I believe but there isn't much I can do about it.  Now during our visits we did find out which emerg is better and we will now go there only (not the one that didn't help me...go figure).

So as I was recovering Tiana got sick again and we ended up in emerg for time number 4 and she got her second set of antibiotics.  Then as she got better, I relapsed and this time our doctor was in and I got my second set.  WHEW!  Tabitha was fairly healthy during all of this, we just had to work with her inhalers to keep her asthma under control.

It sure did make the holidays really mellow and boring but it was nice that we were off work and school anyways so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  Tiana missed 3 days of school the last week before Christmas break and 3 days of school after Christmas break but that's it.

So as we speak right now, we are all doing much better.  All 3 of us are battling with congestion and stuffiness but overall much better.  I have washed sheets, cleaned and cleaned and cleaned to no avail.  It is not just us, there are a lot of people sick here and it lasts forever so we could have gotten it from anywhere.  What is funny is that Wil has been sick with the same thing...so maybe we got it from him in Paris??  Who knows.

Right now my doctor is gone to Africa for 3 weeks so I am off work so I am catching up on the last 8 weeks worth of clutter, paperwork and stuff.  I have also started going through each room and decluttering and cleaning.  Emptying those last couple of boxes and going through drawers and getting rid of stuff.  I also need to make space for my husband!

Yes, Wil is coming home.  No, not permanently but he is coming home.  He will be home on the 20th of Feb and will be home until the 19th of April.  YAY!!  I am excited to have him back and I think he is just as excited to be home for a bit.  I can't wait.  He will be coming home almost exactly 10 months from when he left.  That is a long time.  It will be nice to have him home.

I think that is it.  The girls are in the midst of finals this week and then this weekend they are going on a retreat with the youth group.  YAY FOR THEM  (and me)!!  lol.

I will try to make it much shorter between blogs.  I usually blog on Sunday mornings and right now we have skating lessons on Sunday mornings so I need to find a new time.  I hope Christmas and New Years were wonderful for your family.  I think of you often and wish we could have gotten together.

I don't have any illness pictures so I will share a picture of my cardinal, Fred.  He and his mate, Ethel, come to my feeder regularly and he is so pretty especially against the snow.