Well, our first foster puppy Jesse left and I got asked to foster another one. It was a long hair with a lot of issues and I told them no for several reasons. Then they asked if I could just foster a different one for a couple days. So I caved and said yes. That is how we got Copper, a jack russell terrier and dachshund mix. Well I have never had a jack russell before. Holy cow, the energy was amazing. He could jump super high, he almost could jump up on my kitchen counters. He was very fun but just too much energy for his owners. They just couldn't understand why he wouldn't ever calm down. Come to find out they were kenneling him for 14 hours a day. REALLY! Poor pup. He bounced off the walls for the first couple of days then he settled in. Well he was with us almost a week and the we got notice he was going to be picked up. Well the night before he left, I was getting ready to kennel him and I was walking around the house and grabbing a toy for Lizzy and for Coppers kennels. As I bent down to pick up the toy he jumped up to meet me and his head met my eye socket. OUCH! I felt immediate pain and fell to the ground. I hobbled downstairs and had Tiana look at it because I was afraid it had broken the skin but no...just a large lump started immediately and I was left with a very painful black eye. The next day I had a horrible headache in addition to the eye..the headache went away as the eye got prettier. It has now been 4 weeks and I still have a small lump under the skin that is very painful when touched. Try washing your face without touching around your eye. Well we are on to our next foster pup. I picked him up today and he is precious. His name was Bradley and the rescue wanted a new name so the girls and I came up with Prince. He is charming and much more laid back.
The bigger news is: WE ARE GOING TO PARIS! The military is paying my way to meet Wil for a week off at the end of November. We decided that since 2 our our way is paid, why not take advantage and bring the girls. So the girls and I are traveling to Paris where we will meet Wil and enjoy our week together. I think that it will be super hard to leave but I am so excited. It is somewhere I really never thought I would get to go. It will be great to see Wil for the first time in 7 months. Seems like forever. YAY!
Tiana finished her first job. She was working at a place called Saunders Farm for the month of October in the Barn of Terror. Anyways, it was so fun to pick her up at night. I never knew what she would look like...here is an example:
She learned about the sacrifices of having a job and the joy of that paycheck. She did a great job. She will take a bit of time off and concentrate on school and drivers training and then start looking for another job probably.
I celebrated my one year anniversary at my job. I still love it and it has been a wonderful distraction and source of information and friends. I praise God for putting that job in my life.
Not much else. Life is day by day around here. I try not to worry about what lies ahead but it is difficult. It is very lonely at times but I am learning some lessons that God has probably tried to teach me before.
My love to all!