Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cool change

Happy Thanksgiving!  Well American Thanksgiving..that is.  In Canada, Thanksgiving is in October, which is kind of nice to spread out the holidays a little.  But here it is American Thanksgiving and it has been a tough one.  I have dreaded it for a year on and off but more so in the last couple weeks.  I knew that the girls would be in school, no problem, we will have dinner when they get home. Then, Wil's boss booked him a trip to go to Halifax, Nova Scotia this week.  OK, that sucks!  So what am I going to do?  So here I will explain how my day went.  I will explain the title later in the blog.
I woke up and the girls started getting ready for school and I decided I needed to get the trash and recycling to the curb.  So I put my jacket on and as I went outside and started gathering the trash together and when I looked up I saw the above picture.  It was beautiful!  I immediately heard God saying,:"no matter what happens today, you have alot to be thankful for starting with the beauty of the nature around you."  So as I was pulling the trash can down our long driveway, the cold went away and I enjoyed the beauty.  Then I got cold!!  Wow, a bitter morning for us it was about -5 which is about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.  Probably close to normal for here but it has been pretty warm and more about the 40s lately.  So I headed in and made the girls look (although Tiana thought I said look at this guy instead of sky so we had a laugh when she looked out and couldn't see the "guy" I was talking about).  Then the girls left for school.

What was I going to do with my day.  I decided that I needed to focus on things that I was thankful for so I had a project that was family related and I decided to work on that.  I can't be more specific because it is a gift so if I remember I will tell you later.  Anyways, I literally spent almost the entire day working on this project.  It was a lot of fun and it is probably 90% done.  But I got nothing else done...oh well.  Then I took a break around noon and went to Curves to work out and smiled realizing this would be the first Thanksgiving that I won't over eat.  HA HA!  Then I went to the local garden shop.  They were having a class on making holiday planters.  I decided to sign up on Thanksgiving to give myself a distraction.  So I headed out.  I got there and I was the only person in the class today.  They have many classes and they tend to be full but today, it was one on one.  It was very simple but so cool and this is what I made(it is prettier in person)....

I got home, Tiana got home, then I went to pick up Tabitha from practice for the musical.  I do have to say I miss the activity bus.  There is one bus, after school, if the girls are involved in anything else, parents pick up.  Anyways, I made dinner..mmmmm Thanksgiving hamburger helper...nothing like it.  I actually don't miss the turkey...I like it but it has never been my favorite.  We thought about going out but we are going out tomorrow so we will save our money.  Then it was time to drop the girls off at youth group.  Now the title: 

Cool change is the name of a great song by Little River Band.  It is a song I have always identified with.  I wasn't born in the sign of water but I was born on a beach...close enough.  I have always felt close to water and have felt the best in water, at a beach, in a pool, in a hot tub.  It is peaceful and inspirational..so... I decided to go in the hot tub.  So I took two Smirnoff ice, green apple flavored (my favorite) and went for a soak.  It was pretty cold outside again around 15-20 (F).  So it was wonderful.  I cranked up the stereo and had my drinks and sat and said alot of thanks to God.  I love that hot tub.  For all of you who don't know...it is a long story but basically I traded my motorcycle for the hot tub.  Hard decision but one of the best I have made.  I use it alot and it is so much of a stress release for me.  Anyways, the song from Little River Band came to mind.  I wanted to find a link for you and as I looked I came across this one and WOW how much more inspirational could it get...great music and powerful words and pictures.  VERY COOL!  So check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFKPkKo6238.  Water:  The true peace of God begins at any spot a thousand miles from the nearest land. ~Joseph Conrad
So I am inside now and figured I would update you all.  Was my whole day positive, no, but that is ok..there were positive times and that is what I will focus on.  I also wanted to let you know that I continue to work on prayer and thanking God for everything and it is working.  I had a couple really rough nights recently and almost immediately started thanking God for the difficulties and it was wonderful, I even slept which usually I don't do when I am stressed.  I will keep working on that and hopefully it will be a habit soon.

Tomorrow we head into the states to do some shopping.  We miss Kohls, so that is our first stop.  Watertown, New York is about 1 1/2 hours away so that is where we will be for Black Friday but not early..hopefully when we get there everyone will be at home.  Then Wil comes home tomorrow night bringing Lobsters hopefully.  Then Saturday we head down to Kingston to celebrate the 18th birthday of a beautiful lady named Vicki and have a lobster boil with some friends.  Then Sunday is a Christmas parade in town and I think I will try to get more Christmas stuff up.

Update on the girls: 

Tiana is doing well.  She still struggles with missing her family and friends but she sure has alot of friends here.  I hear so many names of friends, I can't even keep them straight and she is so much like me...lots of friends that are boys.  That is great for less drama but a little stressful for mom and Wil.  She is searching for that one special friend to talk to and I pray she finds it.  She tried out for the volleyball team but unfortunately didn't make it.  There were 32 girls trying out for 12 spots so the odds were against her.  She is having a hard time finding a sport but we are working on it.  Pray that God will open a door for her to get active and be a part of something where she feels valued.  She turns 15 in 2 weeks so she is getting excited about that.

Tabitha tried out for the school musical and has a small part and last week became part of the wrestling team.  There are only 2 girls on the team so that should be interesting.  She is having fun learning moves but is not enjoying the super sore muscles after work outs.  We put a rule into place that all of their fighting has to be below the neck...no punching in the face and now head locks...we'll see how that works.  LOL!   She is looking forward to us painting her room over Christmas break.  She turned 14 this month and we had a nice family gathering and she opened gifts.  Anything Twilight and she is happy.  Team Edward all the way. 

Both girls got good grades and are enjoying the more laid back atmosphere of their school.

I think that is it for now.  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lest We Forget

Well today was Remembrance Day in Canada.  A little different than in the states.  First it starts like 2 weeks ago with poppies showing up everywhere.  The poppy is symbolic of Remembrance Day in Canada.  There is a poem called "Flanders Field" that is part of this day.  Here is a link to a song made out of the poem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyQyhVXUwM0&feature=share.  But the beauty of the bright red poppies everywhere is a very stunning daily reminder of the upcoming day.  Anyways, Wil and I went to the festivities in town and it was a very nice.  There are 2 small memorials and one large one and they had a small ceremony at the first one and then they marched to the second one, had a small ceremony and then marched to the large one seen at left.  Then the big ceremony with songs, prayers and lots of wreaths placed.  It was very moving and much more ceremonial and somber than I have seen in the states.  Then we followed the uniforms to the Legion in town and had a drink and ran into some people from our church and then were approached by another Navy man.  He is a WWII vet that lives in Ottawa but is from Smiths Falls and comes down to represent WWII "as the ranks are getting slimmer every year".  He was drawn to Wil since there isn't much navy in the area and he started telling stories and he and Wil talked about Corvettes (ships not cars) and lots of other military verbiage that I understood but would sound stupid trying to restate.  At one point he started talking to me about my "father"...meaning Wil.  I laughed and as Wil explained that I was his wife and he became embarrassed and I gave him a big hug and said THANK YOU!  I know Wil wasn't happy about that but it sure made me smile.

Well this week was also Tabitha's birthday.  She turned 14, so for a couple weeks both girls are 14.  She didn't want to do much but I told her she could have whatever she wanted for dinner.  She asked for baked potato soup, croissants and confetti cake with chocolate icing and neopolitan ice cream (although on her list she put Napolean ice cream).  We laughed.  We had twilight napkins and plates and everything was wrapped in red with black table cloth.  She has asked for her room to be painted red and black so we are going to do that over Christmas break. 

Simba is doing fine in the family.  Lizzy, my younger doxie, tries to play with him but they can't figure out how to play....like a cat or a dog...very funny to see.  Simba tries to swat and play and Lizzy keeps trying to get him to smell her bum....funny.  Anyways, Molly, the older doxie, doesn't like Simba and tries to ignore him and I swear Simba knows that and tries to torment her.  So that is why this pic is so cute.  Simba is looking at Molly and Molly is ignoring him.  It was very cute.  Then Simba gave up and this was what happened.  HA!

Oh, by the way, the Newfoundland dinner/dance got cancelled so hopefully we will get to do that next spring.

Fall is certainly turning to winter slowly.  The leaves are almost completely off the trees although there are still a few hold outs.  What is interesting is that Halloween decorations started coming down immediately and Christmas decor is going up quickly and being turned on!  WOW, that is really early but I am thinking that it is for self preservation.  It is still warm enough to be outside and I am thinking in a month it won't be so I am going to get Halloween stuff put away this weekend and I will start getting out the Christmas stuff.  Maybe that will put me in the spirit.  Usually I am almost done with shopping by now and man it sure is not going that way this year.  

Work is going well.  The other nurse called me last week after my first 2 days alone and said "you get an A+".  I guess everything was fine and they were pleased.  That is a good feeling especially when you work for such a self sufficient laid back doctor.  It is hard to know how you are doing when the doctor is always "fine".  It is a nice thing to not be working for high maintenance docs anymore but it is a little weird for me.  I am still getting called to work at the shelter.  I work at the office 2 days one week and 2 1/2 days the next and so far each 2 day week I have worked at the shelter one day.  So I am anxiously waiting for a 2 day week.  But I love getting caught up on all the animals.

The biggest benefit for working at this office was that Dr. Turner was nice enough to find me and the girls a female doctor in Smiths Falls.  That is unheard of.  I have called all the docs in Smiths Falls and the surrounding area and none are taking new patients.  So I was concerned about how far away I was going to have to drive to see someone.  I am very thankful.  So I will be calling for an appointment next week.  That is amazing and I think that will continue to be a benefit of working in the medical field.  It will give me a HUGE resource to know what is good and bad and what is normal and such.

What's coming up?  Well, tomorrow I am going back into a cute little store called Millers of Merrickville, they are having a customer appreciation day.  Then the stores in Smiths Falls are having a Christmas open house so I will wander around town and see what I can find.  I really enjoy walking around the little towns.  Wil is going to Halifax for a business trip the week of American Thanksgiving so I am bummed about that but the girls will be in school so I guess I just need to get used to it being just another day.  He is going to bring back some lobster hopefully so that would be nice and I am playing with the thought of taking the girls out of school on black Friday and driving to the states for some shopping.  Tiana's birthday is shortly after that.  I am not sure what she is thinking about doing, we'll see.  Then Christmas and New Years, which is our anniversary and then 2011, here we come.

Believe me the irony of November being the month I decide to Thank the Lord for everything is not lost on me.  It certainly is a choice and it has been very helpful.  You should try it.  Basically every time something stressful happens, I can feel my emotions flowing upwards and then I try to pause and Thank God for whatever has just happened.  It usually calms me down and make me think about how it could be soooo much worse.  Not always, mind you, but usually.  I am a flawed human and the attacks are regular but I am blessed to have a wonderful God who has never left me even though I have felt so alone.  God is good, I wish he would teach lessons differently sometimes but then again that is probably why I am not God.  :)

I started working out at Curves.  The work out is a little easy for me but it is something at least.  Of course I am not losing weight...I am gaining...AAAHHHH!  Certainly does not make me want to keep going but I will.

Well, I have more to say but I need to end this one and go get ready for work. The girls are out of school today.  Tiana spent the night at a friends and Tabitha is asleep.  Hockey game tonight.  Oh, the girls went to their first bears game and I think they had fun.  So I will end with a picture of them goofing around at the game.  Talk to you soon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

 Well, Halloween has passed.  It was a little hard to get in the mood.  Most years I start decorating at work which helps me get in the mood for decorating the house.  I was also thrown off by the fact that we celebrated Thanksgiving before Halloween.  So for 40 years, Halloween is before Thanksgiving so by the time Thanksgiving comes, Halloween is over and done with so my holiday clock is off.  Add the fact that our house is set behind cedars so no one really sees it...all made it difficult.  But we did it.  We only got out the minimum but it was festive and we did get some trick or treaters...maybe 75?  We bought chips this year so that if we had a lot left we wouldn't be stuck with candy.  The day started out with snow flying but it never accumulated at our house so the girls went out and got some candy but got cold and came back in.  We put the hot dog costume on Molly, and then I got the idea of putting the pumpkin costume on the cat.   Can you dress up a cat?  Yes...but they don't like it.  I think Simba thought that if he backed up it would come off so we have video of the cat walking backwards around the room.  Definitely good for a laugh.

 Back to my previous post. My boss at D-20 got the answer right. She is a hockey mom so she has the experience to know. We are right behind the bench and if they don't close the door, not only do you have the possibility of getting hit by a puck but you get the wonderful aroma of sweaty, smelly hockey players.   Oh, but it starts fine and gets bad later right.....NO!!  ...it starts smelly and ends worse.  I have a lot more respect for hockey moms...because having that smell in your car or house.....WOW, something only a mom can be proud of.  LOL!

The girls went to Canada's Wonderland with the youth group.  They left on Friday night on a big tour bus and stayed at the youth pastors wife's sisters house and then went to Wonderland on Saturday and got back late Saturday night.  I guess they had a blast.  Very cool rides and fun with friends.  The weather held out for them...chilly but bearable.  If you want to check out the website to see the rides, check out their website: www.canadaswonderland.com/Tiana went on Behemoth twice and Tabitha went on Drop Zone so they both went out of their comfort zone a little.

While the girls were gone Wil and I went to Watertown, New York to pick up my wedding set from being sized.  YAY!  I am very happy to have them back on my finger.  We did a little shopping and then met some friends for dinner in Kingston at a Greek restaurant recommended by a friend.  Very yummy food and great company.  I treasure the times that we have with friends now.

On a personal note, I have been in a very dark place but have not given up hope.  I watched an Oprah the other day and it was about a couple that while the husband was a work, the mom, grandma and their 3 little kids were hit from behind by a semi.  The mom and grandmom survived but the 2 girls and 1 boy were killed.  The show was on hope and one of the things that was said was if we can inspire someone to know that on their worst day, it could be worse and there is always hope.  That really hit home with me.  THEN..the show went on to talk about this couple, how they got through it together and then how awhile later decided to have another child.  They had to have invitro and ended up with triplets, 2 girls and 1 boy.  Who says miracles don't exist???  But it got me thinking about how even though a tragedy happened, beauty came out of it.  I don't know why this show spoke to me but it did so I am trying to claw myself out of the dark hole.  One thing I am trying to do is get into the Bible more.  This verse has been echoing in my head since the show:
Thessalonians 5:18   Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
I am to be thankful in ALL circumstances.  ALL circumstances.  Really?  ALL?  Yuck..that's no fun!  It is not effortless and it requires thought....so here is a look inside my head right now.

The girls are bickering and irritating me again.  Thank you Lord that the girls are healthy and going through the normal stages of life.

The house is a mess again and I am tripping over stuff that no one seems to be able to pick up.  Thank you Lord for giving me a house and thank you for giving me all of the stuff that is messing it up.  Thank you for giving me a family to mess it up.

I have to go to work and I don't feel like it and I wasn't supposed to be working yet.  Thank you Lord for providing me a fantastic job that is close to home, part time and in a very friendly place.

I could go on and on.  I am reading the book Personality Plus right now.  What I have found out is that what I have always called realism as part of my personality is really pessimism.  Bummer, I never thought I was a pessimist.  Don't you just hate finding out stuff like that?  I am 40, I shouldn't be having to find out those surprises now.  Anyways, I don't see the light yet but I have a feeling that the light is coming...which is a nice.

Next week Wil and I are going to a Newfoundland dinner/dance put on locally.  I am excited to go try to food and hear some music native to Wil's birthplace.  I will let you know how it goes.

Work is going well.  It is a lot more laid back than in the states.  I am still trying to figure out what is laid back because of Canada and what is laid back because of the office.  There is definitely alot more responsibility put on the patient.  What a concept!!  If the doctor isn't in...I don't answer the phone and our machine does not take messages. So if the doctor isn't in, you don't talk to the office.  The doctor is very laid back and independent and will help you when needed.  It is a well established office so all the patients no how it works and they are OK with it.  Here is an example:  you are instructed to bring all your meds in for your appointments and get all of your refills at your appointment.  If you don't and you call us, we will be glad to get your refills but you pay us 15 bucks.  So, you say, I will call the pharmacy and have them call you....go for it ...we will still charge 15 bucks.  And that is billed to you and you will pay it or we won't do it again.  Ha!  Really??  That is awesome!  I am starting to enjoy it.  I really haven't let myself enjoy it because I have been too sad that I am even working...self pity is so powerful.  Anyways, I am working on enjoying it now.  I will keep you informed.

Wil got the lawn tractor fitted with the snow blower so I think we are prepared.  We also bought a garage/shelter for it so with the shed and that, everything is under cover.  Tabitha is getting ready for her birthday next week and Tiana is counting down to hers next month and then Christmas and I am so behind on that.  My goal right now is to try to get into some sort of routine for groceries and house cleaning and work and stuff.

I think that is enough for now.  I love your comments and feel free to email me...I love hearing from you.